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Stay and Play

Play-based Educational Program Geared Towards Children 5 and Under.


We are so glad you have decided to join us!  This group is open to ALL members of the community (grandparents, parents, caregivers) with children ages 5 and under.  You do not need to be a member of or attend Townsend Church to attend. We are a free program that meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.  Schedule changes and cancelations will be posted to the Stay & Play Facebook page.

Please visit Group Facebook page for more info:

Contact: Laura,

Here is what to expect:

10 AM- Music and Movement (themed songs with shaky eggs, scarves, rhythm sticks, and movement)

10:15AM- Open play, craft, snack, sensory activity, playground (weather-permitting) (GEARED TOWARDS 1-4 YEAR OLDS)

11:15 AM- Stories (Feel free to bring lunch/snack for this time)

11:30AM- Learning Centers (GEARED TOWARDS 3-5 YEAR OLDS)******Ages are not strict, but please not that some activities may contain small objects or items not suitable to younger children. Toys will remain out and playground will be open for younger siblings who wish to stay and play.

***Free. No registration.  

Please note: Due to time constraints, 45 crafts/snacks are prepared and 30 learning center activities are prepared, so materials may be limited.

Stay & Play Winter Schedule