Serve with Us This Winter!

Serve with Us This Spring!

Embrace Grace Baby Shower
On Mondays we have a support group for single and expecting mothers.  At the end of their 12-week session, we gift the girls with a pregnancy photo shoot and a baby shower!
Bake Sale Fundraiser
We have two upcoming bake sale fundraisers. The first will be April 13th at the Easter Egg Hunt and the second will be on Mother's Day.


Upward Basketball Coaches and Referees (January-March)

  • The Upward basketball pre-season begins with evaluations in December. Practices and games begin in January.

  • Contact if you would like to volunteer as a coach or ref.

Basketball Concession Stand Team (January-March)

  • Game days are every Saturday, beginning Saturday, January 25.
  • 3-5 volunteers man the concession stand in the cafeteria of Clayton Intermediate School. Shifts are about two hours.

Basketball Concession Stand Donations (January/February)

  • Visit the donation wall in the lobby, choose tags (napkins, sodas, chips) and bring your donations to the fellowship hall!

Easter Egg Packing Parties (March)

  • On Mondays, beginning March 3, from 9am-12pm, our team meets to pack plastic easter eggs with candy.
  • We are accepting donations of small individually wrapped candies!
  • Coordinated by Ms. Linda