Serve with Us This Winter!

Serve with Us This Spring!

Embrace Grace Baby Shower
On Mondays we have a support group for single and expecting mothers.  At the end of their 12-week session, we gift the girls with a pregnancy photo shoot and a baby shower!


Upward Basketball Coaches and Referees (January-March)

  • The Upward basketball pre-season begins with evaluations in December. Practices and games begin in January.

  • Contact if you would like to volunteer as a coach or ref.

Basketball Concession Stand Team (January-March)

  • Game days are every Saturday, beginning Saturday, January 25.
  • 3-5 volunteers man the concession stand in the cafeteria of Clayton Intermediate School. Shifts are about two hours.

Basketball Concession Stand Donations (January/February)

  • Visit the donation wall in the lobby, choose tags (napkins, sodas, chips) and bring your donations to the fellowship hall!

Easter Egg Packing Parties (March)

  • On Mondays, beginning March 3, from 9am-12pm, our team meets to pack plastic easter eggs with candy.
  • We are accepting donations of small individually wrapped candies!
  • Coordinated by Ms. Linda